Trots PT Gloucester Park
- Race replay Replay
- Weather conditions Fine
- Track condition Good
- Distance 2130m
- Tips (RICHARD BELL) 8,2,1,4
Win Place
- Betting closed: 18:37:59 Dividends official: 18:43:19
First 4
FIXED Pay 1,2,3 | TOTE Pay 1,2,3 | ||||||||
# | Name | Driver | Hcp | Win | Place | Win | Place | |||
1st | 6 | MAJOR OVERS | MADDISON BROWN | FT | 7.50 | 2.05 | 7.50 | 2.60 | ||
2nd | 4 | MISTER LINTON | AIDEN DE CAMPO | FT | 2.15 | 2.70 | ||||
3rd | 8 | JAXON MORGAN | VANCE STAMPALIA | FT | 1.30 | 2.10 | ||||
Fixed Dividends are Closing Prices |
Pool | Results | Dividends |
Quinella | 4-6 | 76.60 |
Exacta | 6-4 | 101.00 |
Trifecta | 6-4-8 | 368.50 |
First 4 | 6-4-8-5 | 1853.70 |
Double (4,5) |
2-6 Partial C/O |
297.00 (95.06) |
Double (5,6) |
6-5 Partial C/O |
1068.80 (415.16) |
Quaddie (4,5,6,7) |
2-6-5-5 Partial C/O |
17665.30 (8360.27) |
Double Subs R4 & R5
R | # | Name | |
R4 | 6 | FAT LOUIE | Lost |
R5 | 2 | IM SPIDERMAN | Lost |
Double Subs R5 & R6
R | # | Name | |
R5 | 2 | IM SPIDERMAN | Lost |
R6 | 4 | CHARLI BROWN | Lost |
Quaddie Subs R4, R5, R6 & R7
R | # | Name | |
R4 | 6 | FAT LOUIE | Lost |
R5 | 2 | IM SPIDERMAN | Lost |
R6 | 4 | CHARLI BROWN | Lost |
Scratchings and Fixed Odds Deductions
No scratchings or deductions.
Pool Totals
- Win & Place 4,446 & 1,730
- Quinella 903
- Exacta 678
- Trifecta 4,749
- First 4 4,684
- Double 668 Jackpot 118
4-9 GLPARK 31Dec24 2130MS $6,240 L5$ LT $4,000 Fr3 Ryan Warwick $6, btn 5.8m, wnr TRIROYALE BRIGADE NZ Fr5, 1:59.8 (31.3,30.1,28.9,30.1) gate speed, led one wide, outside leader at bell
1-12 GLPARK 27Dec24 2130MS $9,360 L5$ LT $8,000 Fr4 Jocelyn Young $4, won by 1.5m 2nd MAJOR FREEWAY Fr7, 1:58.1 (30.7,29.7,28.8,29.3) gate speed, led, leader at bell
4-11 GLPARK 21Dec24 2130MS $9,360 L5$ LT $8,000 Fr7 Emily Suvaljko $31, btn 4.1m, wnr ALLZFAIRNLUVNWAR Fr5, 1:59.1 (31.6,30.0,28.9,30.0) 1 out 3 back at bell
7-8 GLPARK 30Apr24 2130MS $9,360 L5/6 NE HWOE $18,500+ Fr4 Shannon Suvaljko $9, btn 22.5m, wnr THE BEAUDSTER NZ Fr2, 1:58.5 (30.7,30.0,28.9,28.5) restrained after start, 1 out 3 back at bell
4-8 GLPARK 31Dec24 2130MS $9,360 L5$ LT $8,000 Fr4 Chris Lewis $15, btn 1.7m, wnr JILLIBY JAKE Fr7, 1:59.0 (31.0,29.8,28.8,30.3) 1 out 1 back at bell
2-7 GLPARK 31Dec24 2130MS $9,360 L5$ LT $8,000 Fr1 Maddison Brown $1, btn HD wnr ADMIRAL DARCY Fr5, 2:01.0 (31.6,30.8,29.2,29.0) gate speed, led, leader at bell
1-8 GLPARK 31Dec24 2130MS $9,360 L1/4 NE HWOE $9,000+ Fr2 Shannon Suvaljko $1, won by 1.1m 2nd VEEFORVICTORY Fr1, 2:00.4 (30.7,30.2,30.4,29.9) gate speed, led, leader at bell, contacted marker pegs
3-12 GLPARK 21Dec24 2130MS $9,360 L5/6 NE HWOE $18,500+ Sr3 Vance Stampalia $8, btn 3.1m, wnr FREYJA Fr8, 1:58.9 (31.7,30.0,28.9,28.9) hung in, 1 out 4 back at bell, gear malfunction
7-7 GLPARK 03Jan25 2130MS $21,000 NR up to 70. Fr1 Emily Suvaljko $91, btn 35.7m, wnr HILLVIEW BONDI Fr4, 1:56.7 (30.1,30.0,28.7,28.7) 4 back pegs at bell
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