10-11 ALBPARK 04Mar25 2138MS $9,120 NR up to 43. Fr5 Adam Richardson $31, btn 28.8m, wnr MONOPOLLIE Sr3, 1:57.7 (31.3,30.7,28.1,28.8) caught wide early, restrained to rear, 1 out 5 back at bell
8-9 REDCLIF 26Feb25 1780MS $6,200 Up to 1 LTW Sr1 Ben Battle $151, btn 34.4m, wnr HEZA MAYWYN Sr2, 1:59.8 (30.8,30.9,30.2,29.4) 4th fence at bell
9-10 ALBPARK 27Sep24 1660MS $6,260 Up to 1 LTW Sr3 Matt Elkins $23, btn 24.4m, wnr LEAVE IT TO LUCY Fr4, 1:57.6 (29.4,31.2,28.2,29.1) 1 out 4 back at bell, 3 wide middle and latter stages, back in mobile draw
No form available. No past performance data exists. |
5-9 REDCLIF 26Feb25 1780MS $6,200 Up to 1 LTW Fr4 Nathan Dawson $5, btn 6.8m, wnr HEZA MAYWYN Sr2, 1:59.8 (30.8,30.9,30.2,29.4) 3 wide middle stages, worked forward, leader at bell
3-9 REDCLIF 26Feb25 1780MS $6,200 Up to 1 LTW Sr3 Leonard Cain $26, btn 3.8m, wnr HEZA MAYWYN Sr2, 1:59.8 (30.8,30.9,30.2,29.4) death seat at bell
9-9 ALBPARK 28Feb25 1660MS $6,260 Up to 1 LTW Fr5 Jordan Topping $51, btn 170.5m, wnr HATTIES JEWEL Fr2, 1:55.6 (28.7,30.8,27.6,28.8) broke after start, out of draw in mobile starts, tailed out
8-8 REDCLIF 27Feb25 1780MS $6,200 Up to 2 LTW Fr2 Jack Chapple $7, btn 36.5m, wnr CEDAR CREEK FALLS Fr3, 1:59.7 (32.1,31.6,29.4,27.8) severely checked, 5th fence at bell
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