11-12 GLPARK 27Dec24 1730MS $19,000 L5$ LT $20,000 Sr1 Stuart McDonald $9, btn 37.5m, wnr FRANCO ECUADOR NZ Sr2, 1:54.6 (28.9,29.5,28.0,29.2) 3 wide early, led one wide, outside leader at bell
4-10 GLPARK 03Jan25 2130MS $21,000 0W/15.0K stake Fr7 Deni Roberts $17, btn 13.0m, wnr HEEZ A VIBE Fr8, 1:56.2 (29.7,28.5,28.5,29.7) 4 wide early, 3 wide early with trail, 3 wide early, worked forward, led one wide, outside leader at bell
7-9 GLPARK 07Jan25 2130MS $9,360 NR 55 to 65. Fr7 Shannon Suvaljko $18, btn 14.1m, wnr MAJOR OVERS Fr6, 1:59.7 (30.9,30.8,28.5,29.6) restrained after start, 1 out 4 back at bell
5-10 GLPARK 03Jan25 2130MS $21,000 0W/15.0K stake Fr5 Trent Wheeler $10, btn 16.1m, wnr HEEZ A VIBE Fr8, 1:56.2 (29.7,28.5,28.5,29.7) gate speed, 3 wide early, obtained trail early, 1 out 2 back at bell, hung in under pressure
10-11 GLPARK 31Dec24 2536MS $9,360 L5$ LT $12,000 Fr6 Shannon Suvaljko $34, btn 19.3m, wnr ROCK ME OVER Fr5, 1:59.5 (30.9,29.9,29.1,29.4) restrained after start, obtained trail early and middle, 3 wide late with trail, 3 wide and 1 back at bell, severely checked and broke
6-8 PINJARA 06Jan25 2185MS $9,360 NR 50 to 60. Fr6 Liam Elliott $17, btn 21.1m, wnr BLAZE COOPS Fr3, 1:55.7 (29.8,28.3,27.9,28.5) 3 wide early, restrained to rear, 7 back on pegs at bell
8-10 GLPARK 03Jan25 2130MS $21,000 0W/15.0K stake Sr2 Gary Hall Jnr $3, btn 21.1m, wnr HEEZ A VIBE Fr8, 1:56.2 (29.7,28.5,28.5,29.7) 3 wide early with trail, 3 wide middle & late, 3 wide without cover at bell
2-9 GLPARK 07Jan25 2130MS $9,360 NR 55 to 65. Fr4 Aiden De Campo $9, btn 2.6m, wnr MAJOR OVERS Fr6, 1:59.7 (30.9,30.8,28.5,29.6) 1 out 2 back at bell
1-8 BUNBURY 31Dec24 2569MS $9,360 L7/8 (CL9) CONDITIONED Fr1 Trent Wheeler $4, won by HFHD 2nd AUCKLAND JET Sr2, 2:01.7 (32.0,30.0,27.6,28.5) gate speed, led, leader at bell
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