6-9 GLPARK 03Jan25 2130MS $31,000 NR 85 or better. Fr5 Chris Voak $26, btn 10.4m, wnr MACHNIFICENT Fr4, 1:55.5 (30.0,28.4,28.1,29.8) restrained after start, 4 back pegs at bell
5-9 GLPARK 03Jan25 2130MS $31,000 NR 85 or better. Fr6 Ryan Warwick $41, btn 8.6m, wnr MACHNIFICENT Fr4, 1:55.5 (30.0,28.4,28.1,29.8) gate speed, led one wide, obtained trail early, 1 out 2 back at bell
1-9 GLPARK 03Jan25 2130MS $31,000 NR 85 or better. Fr4 Emily Suvaljko $16, won by 1.8m 2nd LAVRA JOE Fr8, 1:55.5 (30.0,28.4,28.1,29.8) gate speed, 1 out 3 back at bell
5-7 GLPARK 27Dec24 2130MS $31,000 FFA OPEN Fr7 Dylan Egerton-Green $21, btn 4.7m, wnr LAVRA JOE Fr6, 1:56.1 (29.5,29.9,28.7,28.7) restrained after start, 3 back pegs at bell
4-9 GLPARK 03Jan25 2130MS $31,000 NR 85 or better. Fr9 Jocelyn Young $31, btn 6.6m, wnr MACHNIFICENT Fr4, 1:55.5 (30.0,28.4,28.1,29.8) restrained after start, 5 back on pegs at bell
1-10 GLPARK 06Dec24 2130MS $25,000 Conditioned PACE Fr4 Kyle Symington $1, won by 11.5m 2nd GOODFELLAZ Fr8, 1:54.8 (30.6,28.7,27.9,28.0) gate speed, led one wide, led, leader at bell
3-9 GLPARK 03Jan25 2130MS $31,000 NR 85 or better. Fr7 Chris Lewis $12, btn 2.5m, wnr MACHNIFICENT Fr4, 1:55.5 (30.0,28.4,28.1,29.8) gate speed, 3 wide early, led one wide, 1 out 1 back at bell
2-9 GLPARK 03Jan25 2130MS $31,000 NR 85 or better. Fr8 Maddison Brown $2, btn 1.8m, wnr MACHNIFICENT Fr4, 1:55.5 (30.0,28.4,28.1,29.8) 3 wide early with trail, 3 wide early, worked forward, led one wide, outside leader at bell
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